Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Beauty and the Geek: Episode 4.13 Winner Is Finally Announced

With this first-ever Beauty and the Geek winners chosen by America, the finale also gave the booted pairs a chance to reunite and reminisce over the past season. Although I was impatient to learn whether or not Jasmine and Dave or Sam and Nicole won, I have to admit I got some good laughs while waiting.

Spoilers ... I mean, this IS the finale!

Overall, the returning partners looked much the same. For the most part, the geeks' makeovers were still intact, and a couple of the girls had new looks: Rebecca dyed her honey-blonde hair to a dark brown/black, while Holly's hair was a long, feathered Farrah 'do. Pretty much all of the ladies looked great, but I admit I was really happy to see Shay in her leopard-print dress greet little Joshua the most.

A retrospective of Dave and Jasmine followed, leading up to their reunion. Will Jasmine always look so cute? It's been four months since the last episode was taped till today's results finale, so she was appropriately jubilant to see Dave. Not so great was host Mike Richards giving her a chance to touch the tarantula, lovingly named Pinky, that she avoided during the Bronson Caves challenge.

Then it was Sam and Nicole's turn, and I must admit that Nicole looked good. She did something with her hair. Their reunion was less heartfelt and sweet. It was actually Sam's reunion with Rebecca, his main squeeze in the mansion, that seemed to be more emotional. Although there was some talk about his missing her the whole time, I have my doubts. Rebecca apologized to Nicole for the midnight makeout madness, and Nicole forgave her. What I want to know is: Has Sam ever apologized for his part in it?

What Else We Learned

The viewers' biggest Beauty crush - Sam
The viewers' choice for geekiest Geek - Joshua (second place: Josh)
Beauties going back to their studies: Holly - anthropology; Jen - realtor's license
Geek dating lives - Josh has a girlfriend; Luke is a player (averaging 2-3 dates a week!!)

I very much enjoyed a spotlight on Shay and Joshua, whom Mike called the Fan Favorites. It was hilarious when Mother Hen Shay and Joshua's real mom Marla met, making Joshua all meek: "I'm afraid to interrupt either of them." It was also very sweet because Joshua acknowledged that Shay's bossiness towards him came from a place of caring. Awww.

Rebecca sure got a lot of attention. First there was all the Sam business, then she was asked her opinion about Sam liking Amanda first. Finally, when Josh was showing off his self-makeover (Sheesh. Good job, I say.), she had to give him a full-body oil massage since she had promised she would if he removed his body hair.

Finally, it was time to reveal the winners. Each couple was given an envelope: one containing a check for $250,000, and the other, only mocking emptiness. Once I heard the squeal, I knew all was right with the world. Jasmine and Dave had triumphed over their formidable foes and claimed the final victory in the battle of Beauty and the Geek.


- Will, with his resonant voice, was just as annoying apologizing for his annoyingness on the show.
- Jasmine, explaining why she was hurt with Dave's initial repugnance for her: "I thought that even if I didn't get along with none of the girls, at least I'd have my geek."
- Will congratulating Nicole on her sneaky strategy: "That was magnificent! You played Sam, Rebecca and me like a virtuoso. You have to respect the skills."
- Mike ad-libbing after Sam asks who wrote in about his muscles: "M. Richards"
- An emotional Jasmine to someone offscreen after winning: "You're crying. I'm not crying."

Do you agree with the results? Did you vote? Who were you happiest about seeing again?

Source: zap2it.com

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