Sunday, December 2, 2007

Nicholas Negroponte (One Laptop Per Child) Sued for Patent Infringement

Among its other problems - like failing to get orders from third-world governments, competing against Intel and Microsoft, and the seeing the price of its Holy Grail rise from $100 to $200 - One Laptop Per Child and its do-gooder-in-chief Nicholas Negroponte are now being sued for patent infringement in Nigeria on a Nigerian patent (RD8489) by a US-based Nigerian-owned outfit called Lagos Analysis Corporation.

Lagos claims the non-profit reversed engineered its Shift2 keyboard driver source codes.
Lagos says it developed advanced multi-lingual keyboard technology using four shift keys and characters which when pressed while typing normally produce language-critical accents, symbols and diacritical marks. The widgetry appears in Lagos' region-specific Konyin Multilingual Keyboards.

Lancor claims OLPC bought two of the keyboards and ripped the technology off even though the OLPC and the Konyin keyboards are different.

Lancor, which intends to file suit elsewhere, claims OLPC put the functionality in another key.
Last we heard OLTP hadn't seen the suit.

Nigeria initially agreed to buy a million XO laptops from OLPC but reneged on the deal in part because of the higher price and in part because - according to what its education minister Dr Igwe Aja-Nwachuku told the BBC the other day - "What is the sense of introducing One Laptop Per Child when they don't have seats to sit down and learn; when they don't have uniforms to go to school in; when they don't have facilities."

So, failing Nigeria, the first 300,000 AMD-based XOs are in production and some of them are bound for Rwanda, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Haiti and Mongolia. The rest are bound for upscale American homes under OLPC's $399 Give One, Get One scheme, which started November 12 and was only supposed to run for two weeks but has been extended to December 31.
Oh, yes, and Intel is giving 3,000 of its competing Classmates to Nigeria.


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